Personal & Group trainer
Making training not only useful, but also interesting, then everyone can not only achieve their goal, but also fall in love with sports and improve the quality of life in general. I pay the main attention to educating the client about the correct and safe execution technique of the exercises, so that the training process is high-quality and maximally safe for the client.
LSFP C certificate in fitness, New Skills certificate, fitness trainer certificate in Sports Nutriciology, improvement of IFBB qualification, Certificate of conducting practical group classes in aerobics and fitness.
Functional and strength training, training for beginners, posture corrections.
From 25 eur per hour/lesson
Training in a pair (2 people) – from 40 eur
It is possible to purchase an individual training plan, from 50 eur

Coach leading the workouts:

Stretch & Balance
Stretching and recovery training, during which the muscles and ligaments of the whole body are functionally relaxed and regenerated.
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A full-body exercise technique that strengthens the deep and superficial muscles of the body, and improves flexibility and coordination.
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Lemon Power
An exciting class of medium and high intensity for strengthening the muscles of the entire body.
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Lemon Core
A low-intensity class for strengthening the abdominal, back, thigh and gluteal muscles. The class is suitable for everyone with any physical fitness.
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Medium intensity workout using a step platform.
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Full body circles
Workout takes place on the principle of a circle: you move in a circle through exercise “stations” and during a certain time interval perform physical exercises for specific muscle groups.
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Functional workout
Strength training, which includes exercises aimed at the correct execution of the movements necessary for everyday life.
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Booty builder
This is a strength workout designed to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and legs.