Personal & Group trainer
Exercising is fun, not hard!
RSU 1st level “Health Sports Specialist”. Since 2022 I am studying at RSU programme “Physiotherapy”.
Functional training, training for beginners and seniors, mobility.
1 person – 25 euros
For two together – 40 euros

Coach leading the workouts:

Booty builder
This is a strength workout designed to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and legs.
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Full body circles
Workout takes place on the principle of a circle: you move in a circle through exercise “stations” and during a certain time interval perform physical exercises for specific muscle groups.
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Dance Fit
A workout that combines dance and aerobic items to strengthen all muscle groups. The result is better posture, cardiovascular health, metabolism, and a leaner body.
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A full-body exercise technique that strengthens the deep and superficial muscles of the body, and improves flexibility and coordination.
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Lemon Combat
During the workout, the whole body – legs, arms, back, shoulders – is trained with elements of various martial arts, as well as the abdominal muscles are developed and strengthened.
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A balanced workout for anyone that strengthens the abdominal muscles and develops a strong body core.